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When to Hit in Blackjack? Beginners Guide 2024

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When to hit in Blackjack

In the thrilling realm of casino card games, few decisions carry as much weight as the choice of whether to hit or stand in a game of blackjack.

The strategic interplay between the player’s hand and the dealer’s up card creates a dynamic and intriguing scenario, demanding a nuanced understanding of the game.

This article explores the key factors and strategies behind the pivotal decision of when to hit in blackjack, providing players with insights to enhance their gameplay.

The Basics of Blackjack

Before diving into the intricacies of when to hit, it’s crucial to understand the fundamental objective of blackjack.

The goal is to achieve a hand value as close to 21 as possible without exceeding it, all while having a higher total than the dealer.

Numbered cards retain their face value, face cards are worth 10 points, and an Ace can be counted as 1 or 11, depending on the player’s needs.

Understanding the Hit and stand in blackjack

In blackjack whatever version of the game you play, you have only decisions to make on your turn. You can either hit or you can stand. You have to make any of one decision when it’s your turn.

Hitting and standing in blackjack are concepts that are easy to grab and your wins are solely based on your decision. This is easy to master and, in this article, we will talk about when you should hit

What is meant by “To Hit” in a blackjack?

“To Hit” actually is an instruction that you give to the dealer to deal one extra card to you.”

  • You can verbally tell them to give you a card.
  • You can tap on the table to get an extra card.

When to Hit in Blackjack?

1. Soft Hands:

A soft blackjack hand contains an Ace valued at 11 without exceeding 21. For example, an Ace-6 is a soft 17.

In general, with a soft hand, players have more flexibility. It is usually advisable to hit a soft hand unless the player has a soft 18, 19, or 20.

2. Hard Hands:

A hard hand does not contain an Ace or contains an Ace valued as 1 to avoid busting. When dealing with a hard hand, the decision to hit depends on the dealer’s up card. As a rule of thumb:

  • Hit when the player’s hand is 8 or less.
  • Hit when the player’s hand is 12 to 16, and the dealer’s up card is 7 or higher.
  • Stand when the player’s hand is 17 or higher.

3. Dealer’s Up card:

The dealer’s up card plays a pivotal role in the decision-making process. If the dealer’s up card is a 2 through 6, hitting becomes more conservative, as there’s a higher likelihood the dealer will bust.

Conversely, if the dealer’s up card is 7 or higher, players may choose to be more aggressive, hitting to improve their hand.

4. Doubling Down:

In certain situations, players may choose to double down, doubling their original bet and committing to taking only one more card.

This strategy is often employed when the player has a favorable starting hand, such as 9, 10, or 11, and the dealer’s up card is weak.

5. Card Counting:

Advanced players who employ card counting techniques may adjust their strategy based on the ratio of high to low cards remaining in the deck.

A high count may indicate an increased likelihood of getting a favorable card when hitting.

6. When no chance of Winning:

If you get cards that are very poor and do not ensure a win, then go for hit to see where it takes you.

For example, if you get cards with a total sum of 13 or 14 and the dealer cards total is either 7 or above, it means that you are in a bad situation here. In this scenario, go for taking another card, and let’s see if that helps.

Variations of Blackjack and “To Hit”

There are some variations of the blackjack game that present some special features that ultimately affect your decision to either hit or stand.

  1. European Blackjack:

A variant of the blackjack is European blackjack in which a special feature has been added to the game called side bets. These side bets affect your decision to hit or to stand on a large scale.

  1. Atlantic City Blackjack:

Another variant of the blackjack is Atlantic City blackjack which comes up with this amazing feature where you can surrender your game at the spot if you receive bad cards or find yourself in a very bad position.

This feature drastically affects your decision to either stand or hold in that situation. For example, if you are dealt cards whose total is 16, and the dealer has cards with a total of 10.

It means that you have no chance of winning, you can surrender the game at the spot without hitting or standing.

Examples of When to Hit in Blackjack

Here are a few practical examples of when to hit in blackjack.

  1. Always hit if you are dealt cards with a sum of 5 to 8.
  2. Always hit when your dealt card sum is 9 and the dealer’s face-up card is 2 or a 7 with an Ace.
  3. Always hit If the dealer cards face up card shows an Ace or 10 and your card sum is 10.
  4. If your hand card sum is 11, hit only when the dealer shows an Ace card.
  5. If your hand card sum is 12, hit only when the dealer shows a 2,3, or 7 through Ace card.


The decision of when to hit in blackjack is a delicate dance of probabilities, strategy, and risk assessment.

Understanding the nuances of soft and hard hands, factoring in the dealer’s up card, and knowing when to double down are all critical components of mastering this classic casino game.

 While basic strategy provides a solid foundation, experience, and intuition also play a role in making optimal decisions at the blackjack table.

As players refine their skills and gain a deeper understanding of the game’s dynamics, the art of knowing when to hit becomes a valuable asset in the pursuit of blackjack success.

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As an avid enthusiast of the thrilling world of poker, casino gaming, baccarat, and sports betting, Anna Harley brings a wealth of passion and expertise to the virtual pages of With a keen eye for the nuances of the gambling industry, Anna Harley has been dedicated to delivering insightful and engaging content that resonates with both seasoned players and those new to the excitement of games of chance.